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Gala evening of the Creative Heroes Award 2024

October 17, 2024, from 17:30
ŠKODA Museum Conference Premises

Tickets available for purchase

Creative Heroes Award

The Creative Heroes Award celebrates the impact of creative thinking. It awards the people behind innovations that have sustainable positive impact on people, society, and the environment.
Nominations for the third year are open.
Nominate the Creative Heroes of the Czech Republic 2024...
On 13 April 2023, the second Creative Superhero and winners in the five categories of the Creative Heroes Award Czech Republic were rewarded. The Creative Heroes Award does not know any losers however, everybody is a winner! 
Superhero, categories winners and Gala evening gallery...
The Award Ceremony of the second year of the Creative Heroes Award took place again in the Conference Rooms of the ŠKODA Museum in Mladá Boleslav. View the photo gallery of the evening...

What is...

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The importance of creativity?
A creative hero?
Creativity is the ability to generate original and valuable ideas, solutions, or products through the process of combining or reorganizing existing elements in novel ways. It involves thinking broadly, exploring multiple perspectives, and breaking away from conventional patterns or norms to produce something innovative and meaningful.

Creativity requires imagination, curiosity, flexibility, and persistence.
Creativity is crucial in realizing a prosperous, sustainable and innovative society.
Creativity plays a crucial role in society due to its benefits and contributions:
1. Problem Solving: Creative thinking enables individuals to approach problems from different angles, leading to innovative and effective solutions.
2. Innovation: Creativity is the driving force behind new inventions, products, and services, fostering progress and advancement in various fields such as technology, science, and the arts.
3. Adaptability: Creative individuals are often more adaptable and resilient in the face of change, as they can generate novel ideas and strategies to navigate new challenges and opportunities.
4. Expression and Communication: Creativity allows people to express themselves authentically through various mediums such as art, music, writing, and design, facilitating emotional and intellectual communication.
5. Personal Growth: Engaging in creative activities promotes personal growth by enhancing self-awareness, confidence, and self-expression, leading to increased well-being and fulfillment.
6. Critical Thinking: Creativity is closely linked to critical thinking skills such as analysis, evaluation, and synthesis, enabling individuals to think deeply and critically about complex issues.
7. Collaboration: Creative collaboration fosters teamwork, communication, and idea sharing, leading to collective innovation and problem-solving in groups and organizations.
8. Economic and Social Impact: Creative industries contribute significantly to economic growth, job creation, cultural diversity, and societal development, showcasing the importance of creativity in driving positive change at local and global levels.

Overall, creativity is crucial in realizing a prosperous, sustainable and innovative society.
A creative hero is an individual who demonstrates exceptional creativity, innovation, and originality in their endeavors, inspiring others through their imaginative contributions and achievements. They may excel in various fields such as art, science, technology, business, healthcare or social activism, utilizing their creative talents to address challenges, drive positive change, and enrich the lives of others.
Creative heroes often exhibit qualities such as courage, resilience, vision, and empathy, serving as role models who challenge the status quo, push boundaries, and spark new ideas and possibilities for the betterment of society.


"It is the power of creative thinking that will lead us out of any crisis. Creativity generates the necessary energy for innovation. Without innovation, there is no impact. Without sustainable positive impact, society, its people, and the environment in which they live cannot thrive."
Bastiaan Brouns, Founder of the Creative Heroes Award Czech Republic
With this award, we want to elevate the individuals behind creative impact. Actual people that have transitioned their creative ideas into real solutions that have had a positive impact on others. Often these people stay in the background, while we idolize celebrities. The real heroes can serve as role models for all of us. That is why we want to give them an award: to congratulate them on what they have achieved, to thank them for their contribution to society, to motivate them to keep going and to be an example for others to follow.

Who is a Creative Hero?

Society is changing rapidly and needs flexible, responsive professionals with skills that suit the 21st century. A Creative Hero is the embodiment of the positive impact that has been realised. We believe that by rewarding the leading person, we reward the source of the new status quo or these people’s courage to stand up for a change in this world.

What is Impact?

Do the activities (now or soon) of the creative hero result in a change that represents a new positive status quo for people, the environment or society?
In addition to an economic interest (a new status quo must have a solid business case to have the right to exist), a new status quo must also serve people, the environment or society.



Who will be the nominees for the Award categories?
The Creative Heroes Award focuses on the individual behind the impact. The person who, through their courage, resilience, vision, and empathy, have had a positive impact on others.


1 : 1 Award

Impact on a personal scale
The delivery of the impact is to an individual, or to more than one individual, one by one.

The 2023 winner in this category, David Škrobánek, creates awareness for the importance of the role of the father, and how to handle the challenges of newly formed families after changes in the family situation.

The 2021 winner in this category, Marek Vosecký, developed an app called CF Hero for children with the diagnoses cystic fibrosis enabling them to take better care of themselves and take responsibility for their treatment.

1 : 1,000 Award

Impact on a local scale
The impact is on a smaller social structure, such as a school, a neighbourhood, an organisation or specific group.

2023 winner Leoš Jiřele runs a successful manufacturing plant named Solea with customers such as BMW, Audi and Bentley, with a workforce that is largely formed by people with disabilities, finding usefulness and meaning in their lives.

2021 winner by Karolína Presová and her team is aiming to help people using digital technologies meaningfully and consciously, so they become a tool for creativity and development.

1 : 100,000 Award

Impact on a regional scale
A larger social group or territory that faces a specific issue typically enjoys the impact in this category.

2023 winner Filip Molčán finds superpowers of handicapped people - while also showing us the beauty of the world and protecting Czech Switzerland, he's also a volunteer park ranger.

2021 winner Jitka Andrlíková received the Creative Hero Award in this category for her dedication to experimental pedagogic programmes aimed at helping children in primary schools and children homes. Her programmes with FPPV aim to prevent problematic behaviour among young children, such as bullying. 

1 : 1,000,000 Award

Impact on a national scale
The positive impact is brought to a nationwide social structure.

2023 winner Johanna Nejedlová, founder of Konsent, aims to prevent sexual violence and harassment as well as promoting equal opportunities. By breaking down myths, educating, and connecting, her organization makes Czechia a better and safer place, not just for women but for everyone.

2021 winner Josef Průša won the award in this category specifically for the creation of the 3D-printed COVID face shield and sharing the design with his 3D-printing community around the world. Millions of masks have been printed as a result.

1 : 1,000,000,000 Award

Impact on an international scale
The impact is global, tackling major social or environmental issues.

2023 winner Stanislava Bezdíček Králová combines Antarctic findings about antimicrobials with artificial intelligence and this unique method enables her and her team to create individual, custom-made medication.

2021 winner Cyril Klepek developed CYRKL, a technology company that digitizes the world of waste management, making it fully transparent and stimulating the transformation to a circular economic business model.



Gold Partners

Silver Partners



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